The Essence of Public Affairs
I watched a television interview with Michael J. Fox this year and he made a statement that stuck with me. Referring to his battle with Parkinson’s disease, he shrugged and said, “Well, everyone has a sack of hammers they have to lug around.” Meaning that no one escapes this world unscathed.
This is so important as we meet and greet one another, both in and out of the church. I’m sure if we all knew each others stories, our hearts would warm and we would love one another nearly instantly. Yet it is our “arms-length” culture that keeps us aloof from each other.
I find this “sack of hammers” theory so appropriate in the work of Public Affairs. Especially when meeting opinion leaders. Lots of folks may look at highly successful politicians and community leaders and think they have lived a charmed life because they have achieved such professional heights, even wealth, fame, and influence. But instead of being intimidated, we should remember that they too have or had a sack of hammers to lug around and would appreciate some genuine kindness and sincere warmth.
I have found that without this emotional connection nothing of any importance really happens. When I show interest in someone (no matter how lofty or uppity they are) or offer help or a listening ear I have made a friend. Only in that nexus in time when someone knows for sure that what they say and do are important to me, is when we create bridges of trust and friendship. This is when we in Public Affairs are given the opportunity to show our good works and glorify God as in Ether 12:4
“Wherefore, whoso believeth in God might with surety hope for a better world, yea, even a place at the right hand of God, which hope cometh of faith, maketh an anchor to the souls of men, which would make them sure and steadfast, always abounding in good works, being led to glorify God.”
How will we be an anchor? How will we show that we are steadfast and abounding in good works? First we have to reach their very souls. How do we do that? By our remembering that every person on earth is a child of God, is doing the best they can in most circumstances, and that they too are lugging around a sack of hammers and could use a good friend.
This is the very essence of Public Affairs work. Through Public Affairs we lift each others burdens, care for one another and touch the hearts of those we meet through our innate goodness and our Christian discipleship which is evidenced by constant acts of loving kindness. Everything, and I mean EVERYTHING else falls in place and the work rolls forward.
I just love that! Rebecca Bennion
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